Landlord handing keys to renters.

How to become a landlord and manage a rental property

管理租赁可能会有很多工作,但有了正确的建议和工具,它可以很容易. Consider these screening techniques.

也许你刚刚投资了你的第一套出租房产,或者你正在出租你曾经住过的房子. 不管怎样,你是第一次房东,你可能不知道从哪里开始. Managing a rental property 可能会有很多工作,但有了正确的建议和工具,这就很容易了.


Learn about tenant laws

作为房东, 你会想要熟悉和了解不断变化的房东-租客法. 重要的是,你要及时了解建筑规范,法规和规则 联邦, state and local levels. 你可以 begin your research by calling the department of housing, if your state has one, 和你当地的管理办公室谈谈,了解租赁物业的规章制度. 确保你选择的任何研究或书籍都适用于你所在的州,并且来自有信誉的来源,无论是专家律师还是出版商.


First, you'll want to find renters to rent your vacant unit. 这可能需要一些准备工作,如果你是新手,你可能想看看最新的 租赁的趋势. To start, make sure your property is in tip-top condition. 完成任何需要做的维护工作,比如粉刷墙壁或更新电器. 接下来,给房子里的每个房间以及外部都拍照. Then it's time to list the unit.

你可以 list the rental unit 在当地的报纸上,用“出租”的标志,聘请经纪人或在网上列出这个单位. 如果你在网上列出, 您的清单将提供24/7,并允许潜在租户查看单元的描述和照片.

你在哪里列出你的房产会影响到有多少潜在的租户看到你的列表,以及你吸引的租户的质量. To help maximize interest and attract the right tenants consider:

  • List your property in multiple places.
  • Make sure they're high quality places w在这里 responsible tenants search.
  • 创建并遵循 thorough screening process.



Nowadays, it's easy to screen tenants online. 租户可以选择在不提供社会安全号码的情况下授权申请和报告. It's also a soft inquiry so their credit score is not impacted.

在选择租客并同意重要的租赁条款(入住日期)之后, 租金价格, deposit or fee amounts), it's time to make things official. 你准备好了 签订租赁合同.

从头开始写一份租约需要时间和研究,聘请律师可能会很昂贵. 另一种选择是根据当地法律定制租赁模板, the work is done for you.


Similar to the above steps, consider collecting rent online. Tenants love the convenience of online payments, 包括汽车-pay, and you'll get direct deposits into your bank account. With online rent collection, you don't have to worry about sending rent reminders, 租金收据或手动跟进你的房客,如果他们拖欠付款.

Maintain the property

你的房产是你的投资——让你的出租房产保持良好状态是值得的. 另外, tenants may continue to take care of your property if that's the example you set.

To maintain your property, 在这里 are a few key places to start:

  • 至少每三个月检查一次房产,如果不是每个月的话.
  • 给你的租户一个简单的方式,让他们联系你关于维护和其他问题或问题.
  • Follow up and address repair and maintenance issues right away.

Get landlord insurance

Becoming a landlord can also bring on the potential of liability. 确保你已经购买了房东pp王者电子官网,以保护你的财产和金融资产免受意外事故和突然损失. 通常, landlord insurance covers items such as the property’s structure, loss of rental income during repairs, along with medical expenses or legal costs, if associated with your property.

与你的 local 状态 Farm® agent to determine the type of coverage you need.

Keep records and stay organized

管理出租物业可能是一项挑战,因为您需要保存有价值的记录并保持井井有条. 在房客搬进来之前,做一次彻底的检查和拍照是很有必要的. 这将有助于确保您了解租户搬出后的损坏情况,以及是否应保留保证金用于维修工作. Here are a few ways to help you:

  • 对包括报销在内的收据进行归档, 水电费, 房产税, pp王者电子官网费, mortgage payments and advertising costs.
  • 保留所有法律和税务文件的适当纸质和电子副本.
  • Provide a receipt for both security deposits and rent payments.
  • 与租户、员工和维修人员的沟通应记录在案.
  • 妥善保管租赁申请、租赁协议、pp王者电子官网文件和维修账单.
  • Consider using a fireproof safe to store your important documents.

本文中的信息来自与状态 Farm®无关的各种来源(包括状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 状态 Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, 任何第三方网站的内容,可能从这个页面超链接. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

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